Tuesday, December 12, 2017

OAF Attachment : Make an attachment mandatory

at times you want to make an EBS OAF attachment mandatory for user. We cannot use queries to retrieve if attachment is added by the user or not because attachments are not yet committed to database.

In such scenario you do a mandatory (required) check for attachment table, link and inline attachment using the below code:

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

OAF Attachment Disable File or Url or Short text attachment

In Oracle EBS OAF Attachments you can disable different attachment types like File, URL, Short text, Long Text using the following code in processRequest of your controller:

Sunday, November 12, 2017

OAF attachment - set insert allowed update allowed and delete allowed programatically

In Oracle EBS OAF attachment we can set "Insert Allowed", "Update Allowed" and "Delete Allowed" properties of an entity map programmatically in process request of controller:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Oracle EBS 12.2.5 - Open navigator on mouse click rather than mouse over

Recently we upgraded to EBS 12.2.5 and one of the features in the new release is navigator. When you mouse over on a menu or responsibility there is a delay of 1.5 sec and hence user found it very slow to open a menu. So, if you are keeping your mouse on a menu item for 1.5 sec then only it will go and retrieve the functions and sub menus.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Oracle EBS OAF attachment to be updated / deleted by creator only

Have you ever got a requirement in Oracle EBS FND attachments where in multiple users can add an attachment of the same category but only the person who has created it can delete or update it.

 For others delete and update column will be disabled. I achieved it recently in OAF by creating a custom DataBoundValueVIewObject class and associating it with update and delete icons of the attachment table. Since attachment table is a seeded region, I had to extend its controller to associate custom DataBoundValueVIewObject with update and delete icons.

  1. Create a custom DataBoundValueViewObject (xxOADataBoundValueViewObject ) class: